

M.S. Exercise Science, Fitness and Wellness Promotion- California University of PA

NASM- Certified Personal Trainer

Precision Nutrition CertifiedLevel 1

B.S. Health and Physical Education- Slippery Rock University of PA

Power Plate Certified

CPR/AEDAmerican Red Cross


Hey there! I’m Rita.

I started Rita Giegel Fitness, LLC in August of 2017. During this time I was a Middle School Health and PE teacher.  In 2019, after my 7th year of teaching, I left teaching to pursue this passion and make Rita Giegel Fitness, LLC my full time career. 

Why am I so passionate about health and fitness?

My health and fitness journey started in 7th grade. I wanted to be “skinny,” “liked,” “popular,” etc. I figured if I exercised and changed my diet I could get smaller and therefore my life would be perfect (which is completely inaccurate but I didn’t know this yet). I turned to my 7th grade friends, magazines, TV, and the internet for my diet and exercise advice. This led to years of restriction and starvation followed by binges. My diet was awful and malnourishing and I felt awful. I over exercised (all cardio and abs) because I thought more and harder was better because this is what the media told me. Even though I didn’t look like it on the outside, I was living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle both mentally and physically. The internet had failed me. 

I wanted to educate myself properly so I could finally achieve a healthy lifestyle. I didn’t want to learn what just worked for me but how I could help individuals with different needs and goals from all walks of life. You can check out my educational background above. 

My Mission:

My mission is to inspire and empower others to EAT, TRAIN & LIVE better by reaching their health, fitness and nutrition goals in a healthy and sustainable way. I do this by providing education, support and an individualized coaching experience, so clients can reach their full potential. 

Currently, I work in person and online over video sessions with nutrition/fitness coaching clients while also personal training and teaching group fitness classes. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about me and Rita Giegel Fitness, LLC. If you would like more information or have questions, I am here for you! 
